Thursday, February 25, 2010

An Abundance of A. show

Germany's Alexandra Huber has not forgotten her childhood, nor has she turned her back on freely using lines and color that explode off the page, leaving boundaries behind. Her playful works, reminiscent of Dubuffet and Basquiat, deal with relationships and inner feelings, without the screening of the superego. She challenges the viewer to examine themselves as they consider her works. What is in your Suitcase of Intentions? And in this economy, what surprise does you Shopping Bag to Go contain? The highly saturated Poet's Eye nudges us to fantasize what processes flow through the mind of someone so gifted and unique, while trying not to get lost in the deeply saturated colors.
This comprehensive show of over 50 works runs from March 1st through June 1st at the gallery in Connecticut, and much of the art is on-line at Beverly Kaye Gallery
This is a private space, open at your convenience. Huber's work ranges from 6" x6" pieces to works which are 25" x 19", as are the three artworks pictured above. Don't miss this very exciting show!
These images are courtesy of Hans Seidenabel, Munich.


  1. oh i want to come see this for sure!

  2. She's a favorite of the gallery, and I have a large body of her works here. A pleasure to work with her and to be able to present such wonderful art!

  3. What's outsider art mean? Like y'all make the art outside? Please advice.

    -Rondell Jenkins, first time commenter, lifetime appreciator of the arts

  4. Are you teasing, Girlfriend? Google the word.....not enough room here to explain! Seriously, on my website, there is a brief article under About the art. Come back soon!
