Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Collage artist, Jocelyn Prosser

Jocelyn Prosser, originally from Toronto, Ontario, lives and creates her brilliant work in Neath, South Wales. She is a self-taught painter, using watercolor as her medium and Paul Klee, Frida Kahlo and primitive Haitian images as influences. Jocelyn is an eclectic collector of all types of 1940's dolls, Shona carvings, and objects trouves salvaged from home sales and flea markets. Sometimes these treasures get a second life as this artist also creates striking assemblages and jewelry. In the Spring of 2008 her assemblages were first shown in recycled wooden boxes and drawers at the Washington Gallery in South Wales.
She has a presence on the Saatchi site filled with many excellent examples of her watercolors and is an artist worth noting. Her work has a musicality to it and a painterly esthetic. The work on the top is entitled "Silver Lined Cloud" and the collage on the bottom is called "Lighthouse".


  1. I came across Jocelyn and her art several years ago. Her work is mesmeric and will never fail to inspire and suprise you , as indeed the artist herself does - she oozes with enthusiasm and finds the most bizarre and exciting ways to create art - a true artist and person.

  2. Wow!!! I LOVE her work!! This gets my creative muse all jazzed up!! Thanks for sharing this talented artist's work!!
