Monday, May 12, 2008

Collage that entrances........

Three collage artists who capture my fancy are Moira Fain, Elena Mary Siff and Laura Slapikoff. Each of these women, using texture and composite figures to tell their story, have a unique style and message. Some deal with redemption, some with personal history, and some with the complex world of being a woman. Their works range from very small to quite large, but each one packs a powerful punch, and are strong examples of each woman's work. All are shown in galleries from California to Martha's Vineyard and if you get a chance to see these works in person, be sure to go! I once read that true collage had to be made up of both figures and text.....hmmmm, rules and more rules! What do you think?


  1. All three are beautifully complex collages. They really draw you in and make you think.

    Hmmm, never heard that true collages had to have figures and text. That's an interesting idea...not one that I really agree with though.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful Artists, Beverly!

  2. Thank you Linda. Although I do love text and numbers in collage, I also agree that they should not be required elements. I urge my readers to go to your site, which is stunning!

  3. I love these collages! Thanks for visiting my blog!
