Sunday, March 9, 2008

Welcome to my world.......

I'm a private dealer in Outsider and Artbrut Art ( and have over 300 images and supporting text on-line. The actual gallery is in Woodbridge, CT and is open by appointment.  The pieces I have chosen to represent are top examples from each of my artists, all of whom have been placed in private as well as museum collections. During the year I deal mainly with works on paper, canvas and board, but in June I hold the annual Sculpture in the Garden show which transforms the property into a dazzling display of recycled metal, stone, and wood,  transformed into giant sunflowers, dancers, musicians, horses, robots, dragonflies and garden whimsies.
The gallery has been awarded as a  Forbes Magazine  "Best of the Web", and "Incredible Art Site of the Week" for months running!


  1. Beverly,

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. And, thanks for sharing "your world" with me. I'll definitely have to explore this some more.

    And, to answer the question you posed on my blog . . . I've never stopped to think about whether or not a particular artist is "trained" or not. I'm usually drawn by the "art" and if I see something that I enjoy, I don't hesitate in acquiring it for my collection.

    There is really some great and intriguing art on your site.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Tom Rink

  2. Tom:
    Thank you for your very kind comments. I also agree art should stand on it''s own without the usual pedigrees. As if art school can make an artist! Without the gift/talent there's nothing to hone. Thanks for taking a look!
